Born Again Disciples is a non-profit community outreach program dedicated to serving the city of Poughkeepsie. Our programs are designed so that EVERY family and EVERY child has a safe place to go regardless of their financial stability. Jesus Christ is the focal point of all we do, with the hope that we can shine his light into our community.
Every child, Every Family, One Community, brought together through the teachings of Jesus the Christ
Our mission is to spread hope, share resources, and teach the gospel of Jesus the Christ to unite our community.

After School Program 2015!
*In the winter of 2015 B.A.D. opened it's After School Program after requests from parents and kids!
*11 students the 1st half of the semester
*26 students by the end of the school year

Summer Camp 2014!
*B.A.D. opens it's doors for the 1st time at the Family Partnership Center!
*10 campers the 1st half of the summer
*18 campers by the end of the summer

Summer Camp 2015!
*B.A.D. summer camp continues with an added week of sleep away camp at CAMP GRACE NY and field trips every Friday
*35 campers attending
*Waiting list of campers due to limited funding and staff

After School Program '15-'16
*B.A.D. After School Program continues and begins it's 1st school supplies drive for students who are enrolled.
*36 students the 1st half of the school year
*45 students by the end of the school year

Summer Camp 2016!
*B.A.D. moves to the Hudson Valley Community Center to accommodate the growth of our programs
*Academic Enrichment, Cooking Class, Dance Class, and swimming lessons are added
*92 campers enrolled throughout the summer
*Average of 80 campers attending daily

After School Program '16-'17
*B.A.D. After School Program operates out of the Hudson Valley Community Center
*Transportation offered from elementary school's so young children don't have to walk alone
*Tutoring provided twice a week after regular program hours
*90 students enrolled during the school year
B.A.D. History
A word from our founder
Jesus commanded all people to go and make disciples of men. The objective of Born Again Disciples is to teach our community all the ways of Jesus the Christ, as described in the Holy Scriptures, which we believe is the inspired word of the Lord God Almighty. This includes loving our community as Jesus loved the world, demonstrated through the Crucifixion and Resurrection. We believe the teachings of Jesus will enable our community to recognize that all mankind needs a Savior, because all mankind is corrupt – and that accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior will result in salvation as well as a thriving family – creating an atmosphere of respect, moral excellence, honor and integrity.
The second greatest feeling I have ever encountered in my life was marrying my wife and seeing my Children born. The greatest feeling I have ever encountered, is one I encounter each day. It’s a feeling which brings me joy, happiness, resiliency and serenity. And that feeling is absolute security, knowing without a doubt that I am a child of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and that I am going to HEAVEN!!!!!!!!
This is what I want for my family, friends and all people.
Thomas Morris,
Founder of Born Again Disciples